Aftermath of suspected Jordanian airstrike on what is given as Sweida

Aftermath of suspected Jordanian airstrike on what is given as Sweida

Reuters:  Syria said on Tuesday there was no justification for Jordanian air strikes on its territory that its neighbour said had targeted drug dealers whose border incursions posed a threat to Jordan's national security.

Jordan has stepped up a campaign against drug traffickers after clashes last month with dozens of people it suspects of links to pro-Iranian militias carrying large hauls of narcotics over its border from Syria, along with arms and explosives.

A deadly strike last Thursday, among several since last year on hideouts of drug dealers and warehouses linked to militias in Syria's south, killed 10 civilians, including children, according to regional intelligence sources corroborated by accounts of residents and witnesses.

"The escalation that we have witnessed in the past few months," a Syrian foreign ministry statement said, "is not at all consistent with what was agreed upon from both sides."

Two Jordanian officials, who asked not to be named, said civilians had not been targeted and that the strikes followed repeated warnings in high-level meetings with Syrian officials.

They said the rise in incidents coincided with increasing attacks on U.S. bases in Kurdish-controlled northern Syria and in Iraq by pro-Iranian militias in solidarity with Palestinian militants fighting Israel's offensive in Gaza.

Jordan's government, like its Western allies, says Lebanon's Iranian-backed Hezbollah group and other pro-Iranian militias who control much of southern Syria are behind the surge in drug and weapons smuggling.

Iran and Hezbollah deny this, saying the accusations are part of a Western plot against them. Syria's government denies that its security and military forces work closely with Iranian-backed militias involved in drug trafficking.

Jordanian officials say they have provided names of key drug dealers, manufacturing facilities and smuggling routes to Syrian authorities.

Washington has given Jordan around $1 billion to bolster border security since Syria's civil war began in 2011, and has recently sent more military aid to that end, Western intelligence sources say.

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