A new Article on "ecocide" is being introduced in the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, and fines for environmental pollution are sharply increased

A new Article on "ecocide" is being introduced in the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, and fines for environmental pollution are sharply increased

Today, the Milli Majlis adopted  in the first reading amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses to tighten responsibility for environmental pollution. Thus, the fine for dumping waste and other items overboard from a vessel has increased from 30 to 300 manats. For littering roads from vehicles or polluting roads, individuals will face fines of 200 manats, officials 1,000 manats, and legal entities 4,000 manats.

Dumping household waste outside of garbage bins will incur fines of 300 manats for individuals, 1,000 manats for officials, and 4,000 manats for legal entities.  In the case of repeated offenses within one year, individuals will be fined 1,000 manats, officials 1,500-2,000 manats, and legal entities 5,000-7,000 manats. Currently, the fine for this violation is 50 manats.

The fine for littering with tobacco waste is increasing from 50 to 300 manats. For repeated violations within a year, a fine of 700 manats or community service of 60 to 100 hours is prescribed. Parliament also adopted, in the first reading, amendments to the Criminal Code. In particular, the document includes a new article, 104-1 (ecocide).

According to this Article, for causing serious damage to the ecological system, punishment in the form of imprisonment for 10 to 15 years is stipulated. This article covers: mass destruction of flora or fauna, poisoning of the atmosphere, land, or water resources, or intentional actions that harm the ecology.

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