Moscow/04.09.13/Turan-Arminfo: On September 3, the presidents of Russian and Armenia met and signed a joint statement. A at a press conference in Moscow on Tuesday, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan spoke of his meeting with President Putin, “Our meeting was constructive. We discussed all the key issues of our political, trade-economic, energy, military-technical and humanitarian cooperation.” He said that one of the key topics was how to modernize and diversify Armenia's economy. "We discussed projects in such fields as trade, nuclear energy, transport and communications and exchange views on the Eurasian integration process. I confirmed our commitment to join the Customs Union and to contribute to the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union," Sargsyan said.
He said that the Collective Security Treaty Organization, formed by Russia, Armenia and a number of CIS states some 20 years ago, has proved its efficiency.
"Now our partners from that organization are considering a new platform of economic cooperation. I believe that being part of a single military security system, one cannot stay aloof from geo-economic processes. This is a rational decision. It serves our national interests and in no way means that we refuse to continue our dialogue with Europe. In the past years our European partners have helped us to carry out a number of serious institutional reforms.
Today Armenia is much more efficient and competitive than it was years ago. So, we are committed to continue these reforms," Sargsyan said. "I am convinced that if implemented, our agreements will give a new impulse to our strategic partnership," Sargsyan said in conclusion.
Russian Presidsent Valdimir Putin said Armenia's integration with Eurasian structures will give a strong impulse to a mutually beneficial cooperation. He said that the meeting was very constructive and reflected the nature of the Armenian-Russian strategic partnership. "We have discussed all the key issues, with priority given to economic ties.
Russia is Armenia's key trade and economic partner. Last year our trade turnover grew by 22% to more than $1.2bln. In Jan-May 2013 it rose by 13%. Russian investments in Armenia have exceeded $3bln. This is almost half of all foreign investments made in the Armenian economy. There are almost 1,300 Russian companies in Armenia or about 25% of all foreign companies working in the country. They cover a wide range of fields: gas, nuclear and hydro energy, transport, telecoms, and finances. Biggest projects are Gazprom's participation in the construction of the Iran-Armenia gas pipeline, the activities of Inter RAO UES to restore the Sevan-Hrazdan Cascade, Rosatom's plans to extend the life of Armenian Nuclear Power Plant by 10 years," Putin said.
He said that Russian Railways is planning to invest almost 15bln RUR in Armenian railroads, while Vneshtorgbank and Gazprombank are committed to enlarge their activities in the banking sector. "We are ready to develop our cooperation in culture, science and education. We have Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University plus six branches of Russian universities, with over 2,000 students," Putin said.
The press service of the Armenian President quotes him as saying that he and Putin also discussed regional problems and the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.
"I have confirmed our commitment to solve this conflict peacefully in line with the principles of self-determination right, the nonuse of force and territorial integrity and on the basis of the proposals made by the presidents of Russia, the United States and France," Sargsyan said.
Willingness in further strengthening and improving cooperation in the military-political and military-technical spheres was noted in order to ensure regional stability and security. The two presidents in a separate statements, reaffirmed the decisiveness of Russia and Armenia in developing economic integration processes in the Eurasian space.
The two countries expressed readiness to the practical implementation of existing bilateral projects aimed at modernizing and diversifying the economy of Armenia and strengthening energy security.
The importance of the consistent implementation of the full long-term economic cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation for a period up to 2020 was noted, and therefore, the appropriate agencies of the two countries have been given appropriate instructions. -02D-
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