The candidates for the 85th Shamakhi constituency Shahriyar Gahraman and Vafaly Fatullayev demand the abolition of the parliamentary elections because of their total falsification.
They filed a complaint to the district election commission. "The people of Shamakhi took an active part in the elections, despite the bad weather, because they are tired of MP Elkhan Suleymanov, who has done nothing for the city and wanted to re-elected to Parliament. By evening, the authorities realized that this activity plays against Suleymanov, so after the polls closed, police expelled observers, the head of many committees took ballot boxes and went to the district election commission. When counting the ballots were added to the votes in favor Suleymanov," told Turan Shahriyar Gahraman.
According to him, the protest action on November 2 in Shamakhi occurred spontaneously.
Gahraman and Fatullayev talked with reporters. "At this time, we turned off the light, and we went outside. Gradually, people began to gather. They were outraged that their votes were stolen," said Gahraman.
Police arrived quickly and began to disperse the crowd. The candidates for deputy detained by force.
"Together with me were detained my father and brother. Father, twice suffered a heart attack, in thehe felt ill, at my request they called ambulance. My brother was injured" said Gahraman, recalling that the candidate for deputy has inviolability.
All the detainees were later released, one of them Elsever Gahramanli was fined for "disorderly conduct."
Shahriyar Gahraman is the head of the company "Azleks", born in Shamakhi region and Vafaly Fatullayev - a lawyer, lives and works in Shamakhi.
The specified winner in the district is declared a member of the Azerbaijani delegation to the PACE and the PA "Euronest" Elkhan Suleymanov.-06C--
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