Court of Appeal leaves journalist in custody

Court of Appeal leaves journalist in custody

On 14 June, the Baku Court of Appeal did not satisfy the appeal of investigative journalist Hafiz Babaly against the extension of his arrest by one month - until 13 July.

His lawyer Rasul Jafarov told Turan that the defence considers Babaly's criminal prosecution and detention unjustified. Babaly is a third-group visually impaired person. Besides, he suffers from varicose veins of the lower limbs and this disease has sharply aggravated in the pre-trial detention centre. The journalist needs a surgical operation.

* Babaly was arrested in December 2023 as part of a criminal case against employees of "Abzas Media", who are accused of smuggling foreign currency by prior conspiracy.

Those arrested have not pleaded guilty. Human rights activists have recognized them as political prisoners. International organizations are demanding their release.

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