ECHR began communicating with the Azerbaijani authorities on the complaints of the parliamentary elections in 2010

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has started to communicate with the Azerbaijani government on two complaints in connection with the parliamentary elections in 2010.

    We are talking about the complaints of two oppositionists Nureddin Mammadli and Dunyahanym Jarullayeva. Turan was told by the man representing the interests of the applicants at the ECHR, the head of the Legal Education Society Intigam Aliyev. According to him, the government has to give answers to the questions from ECHR until September 25.
    Mammadov ran for election in 2010 on the 18th Narimanov-NizamiDistrict. To register as a candidate, he presented to the district election commission (DEC) 12 signature sheets with 599 signatures. In the statement, Mammadov said that the head of the DEC and the members of the commission offered him money for the removal of his candidacy. However, he did not accept their offer and on 12 October 2010, the OIC refused to register him. The reason for this was the alleged presence of 411 valid signatures, instead of the required 450. Complaints from Mammadov to the CEC, the Baku Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court were not satisfied.
     Jarullayeva ran on the 86th Ismayilly district. She was also similarly denied registration under the pretext of lack of a sufficient number of valid signatures.
    According to Aliyev, at the election of 2010, 120 complaints were sent to ECHR. "As in complaints of the parliamentary elections in 2005, the applicants pointed to the all-out election fraud, unlawful interference by the authorities in the election process, the use of state resources in favor of candidates from the government, political discrimination, and unfair handling of complaints. I believe that the government will not be easy to answer the arguments on the issues raised by the ECHR," said Aliyev.
    He recalled that on the election in 2005 ECHR was sent about 40 complaints. Of these, 11 were considered on their merits and satisfied. These were decisions on applications from Miraziz Seidzadeh (religious leader), Namat Aliyev (PPFA activist), Flora Karimova (singer), Ali Kerimli (leader of PPFA), Arif Hajily (chief of staff to the party Musavat), Gulamhuseyn Alibeili (head of the party Aydinlar), Sardar Jalaloglu (Democratic Party leader) Beybala Abilov (activist of the Classic People's Front), Khanhuseyn Aliyev (head of the firm for the dissemination of the press Qaya) and Abbas Atakishiyev (independent lawyer, attorney).
     Cases of 7 more applicants (Isa Gambar, Eldar Namazov Mirmahmud Fattayev, Fuad Mustafayev, etc.) were excluded from the list of cases because of their refusal of the government's proposal to arrange a settlement agreement.
    According to the 2005 elections, there is one thing on which no decision was announced. This is the statement by Deputy chairman of Popular Front Party Hasan Karimov, on which the decision will be soon announced, the lawyer said.
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