The Turkish President Erdogan continues to search for internal enemies and foreign agents. Yesterday he went so far as to accuse the Council for Scientific and Technological Research of Turkey (TUBITAK) of the organization of secretly listening to the Turkish leadership.
In December 2013 a resonance anti-corruption operation took place in Turkey, after which police and media executives have been detained. Many of them are accused of taking part in an informal organization "parallel structure", which is supposedly inspired and financed by the Islamic scholar Fethullah Gulen living in the USA.
According to Erdogan, Gulen seeks to overthrow the Turkish government. Erdogan explains the protests in 2013 and the publication of compromising articles on the government with the activity of Gulen supporters.
"The secret organization has grown in TUBITAK, like a cancer. It did not develop science, but it laid the ground for the treacherous plans to listen secretly to the country's leadership and to serve a foreign intelligence service. This is not only a betrayal, it is immoral to science," said Erdogan on Wednesday, speaking at the awards ceremony for scientists in Ankara.
He added that the participants of the "parallel structure", which developed a system of encryption of telephone conversations, used it to listen themselves. However, Turkey, according to the President, won the fight against the "parallel state".
Note that TUBITAK carried out research projects in all the Turkic-speaking countries, including Azerbaijan. -02D-
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