Baku/25.07.17/Turan: "I did not allow any violations in my activity. I'm a political prisoner. " The Azeri surgeon, co-founder of the Lancet clinic, Farman Jeyranli, said this at today's trial in the Tbilisi City Court.Lawyers of RadioAzadliq were informed about the lawyers of the surgeon Gela Nikolashvili and NatiaBezkhashvili.
Jeyranli said that the charges brought against him were contrived and had nothing to do with him. He stated that his arrest was ordered, he did not bear any legal responsibility for what was indicated in the official charge. According to him, the Azerbaijani authorities could order his arrest. He reminded the panel of judges that the information disseminated in the pro-government mass media of
Azerbaijan about him before his arrest.
Farman Jearanli demanded a fair trial.His lawyers spoke on the charges brought against their client.
So, the lawyer Gela Nikolashvili called groundless the charge against fraud in his client. He recalled that the patient, whose name is held in the case, himself paid to the hospital cashier, in connection with which, he was issued a relevant document. Besides, the patient did not translate all the money for medical services.
"In such a case, there can be no question of any financial theft, the lawyer presented evidence to the court of all that was said. He stressed that the arrest of his client is an order of the Azerbaijani authorities.Another lawyer, NatiaBezkhashvili, especially stressed that there were violations committed in the materials of the case.
"He is referred to as the director of the clinic, whereas the director of the clinic is a completely different person, as Farman Jeranly is the founder. And the founder has no right to check any patient,"said the lawyer, noting that official accusations can be made only to the director and the treating doctor. According to the lawyer, the founders cannot be held responsible for the sick.The continuation of the trial is scheduled for July 28.
Jeyranly is accused under the Article 247, paragraph 1 (concealing information threatening life and health), and subparagraph b of part 3 of article 180 (attempt of mass fraud.)- 0-
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