France and the United States have "taken up arms" against Azerbaijan – Ilham Aliyev
The activities of the OSCE Minsk Group were directed against the Azerbaijani people. France and the United States have "taken up arms against Azerbaijan today," President Ilham Aliyev said. “The 28-year-old activities of the Minsk Group have been directed against the Azerbaijani people. Their false promises and inaction were not accidental. They didn't want to solve this issue. They promised these lands to the Armenians. Just as in Soviet times the pro-Armenian Gorbachev and then Yeltsin promised these lands to the Armenians, so did France and America make such promises to them. And today, look who, as they say, plays the main role among those who turned against us – France and America. We must openly say that France is the most," Aliyev said on May 10, speaking at the ceremony of handing over the keys to the apartments to the first residents who returned to Shusha.
However, in his opinion, not a single issue in this region will be resolved against the will of Azerbaijan. "The trip of any ambassador to Shusha should not be presented to us as a favor. If he wants to come, let him come, he won't come, and he doesn't have to. As if their trip changes something. It doesn't change anything at all. Here, on this earth, the right to vote belongs to us. Our policy is based on international law and justice," Aliyev continued.
He further pointed out that Baku does not accept dictates, and "will act as it sees fit." "If today we see again that revanchists are raising their heads in Armenia, that France is giving Armenia deadly weapons, if we see that these weapons have reached a critical level, then let no one take offense at us. In any case, everyone knows what we are capable of, what our Army is capable of and how strong our will is. No one can resist us. No one can dictate anything to us or interfere in our internal affairs. We will do what we consider necessary," Aliyev continued.
The head of Azerbaijan sent a message to "those who show interest in this region." "From now on, not a single step should be taken here without our approval. I am sure that they hear me, they know that if I say something, then I do it," Aliyev said.
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Амеры в кармане у ИА.
Почему же при таком "ополчении против Азербайджана" Армения не получает эту поддержку у вышеназванных стран????? Почувствуй Армения хоть толику поддержки со стороны Америки, стала бы она возвращать земли???? Не вижу никакой логики. Когда Европа критикует диктатуру Илхам Алиева он молчит, но через некоторое время меняет местами факты, умалчивая про свою диктатуру. Второй Путин.
Да уж странные высказывания а кто оккупировал в начале 90 тых Азербайджанские земли кто воевал за Армян ??? тоже Франция и США ??? или все таки Россия ?? ну да мы сильно зависим от России и поэтому критиковать Россию нельзя сейчас мы с Россией в одной лодке лодка шатается и власти критикуют Запад и вообще если посмотреть историю с 1990 тых годов мы никогда не уходили от России да было недовольство политикой России по отношению к нам но нефтедоллары все изменили мы сильно изменили политику в пользу России потому что политика Путина и политика нашей власти одно и тоже это клептократия в мягком его виде так можно назвать я уже писал кто управляет страной так что ждать от этих людей хорошего это получается обманывать самого себя эти люди во власти создали для себя мир в котором им уютно а для народа они создали ад...