Human Rights Defender Taleh Khasmammadov Launches Hunger Strike in Azerbaijani Prison

Human Rights Defender Taleh Khasmammadov Launches Hunger Strike in Azerbaijani Prison

Human rights defender Taleh Khasmammadov has initiated a hunger strike in the Sheki Penitentiary Institution, where he has been held since his arrest in September last year. The strike, now in its eighth day, was reported by his mother, Gulbut Khasmammadova, who expressed grave concerns about his deteriorating health condition.

"Taleh has serious health problems. He has a hernia and goiter in three places in his spine. His current situation is critical, but they refuse to treat him. He hasn't even been given a single tablet," Khasmammadova said. She added that 40 days ago, her son previously endured a 13-day hunger strike, during which prison authorities promised to hospitalize him, prompting him to end his strike. However, they failed to follow through on their promise.

Gulbuta Khasmammadova also highlighted the inadequate medical conditions in the Sheki Penitentiary Institution, stating that her son must be transferred to Baku for proper treatment. "Despite starving, he is kept with other prisoners. A person on a hunger strike should be isolated, but this rule is not being observed. Even though Taleh is in a medical and sanitary facility, no one seems to care about him, and the doctors are ignoring his condition," she noted.

Taleh Khasmammadov demands to receive medical treatment and be placed under house arrest. Efforts to obtain a response from the Penitentiary Service regarding these issues have been unsuccessful.

Khasmamedov was arrested in Goychai in September 2023 and charged under article 221.3 of the Criminal Code. He denies the charges against him, maintaining his innocence.

As the hunger strike continues, concerns for Khasmammadov's health and well-being grow. His case has drawn attention to the treatment of prisoners in Azerbaijan, particularly those with significant health issues, and the conditions within the country's penal institutions.


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