I.Aliyev congratulated Trump
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has congratulated Donald Trump on his election as US President, although the official election results have not yet been announced. At the same time, Aliyev did not congratulate Moldovan President Maia Sandu, who won the presidential election on November 3.
In his congratulations to Trump, Aliyev “heartily” congratulates him on his confident victory, which has become a clear expression of the enormous support and trust of the “friendly American people”.
“The Republic of Azerbaijan attaches particular importance to the comprehensive development of relations with the United States of America.
During your first presidential term, you paid great attention to strengthening the friendly and cooperative relations between Azerbaijan and the United States, as well as the continuous and consistent development of our cooperation.
I would like to note with satisfaction that during this period our partnership has been based on mutual trust and support, including our joint activities in a number of important areas, especially in the fight against global challenges and terrorism, in strengthening international peace and security, in ensuring Europe's energy security, are dynamic and on the rise, characterized by development.
I would like to emphasize your continued support for Azerbaijan's energy strategy.
Taking advantage of the enormous potential of our interaction with the United States, we are determined to further expand and deepen our bilateral partnership in all areas, including political, trade and economic, security, energy, green and digital transition and other areas.
We believe that during your new presidency, relations between Azerbaijan and the United States will further strengthen and new areas of cooperation will be identified.
Azerbaijan will continue its activities in the direction of strengthening peace and security in the South Caucasus. I am confident that we will continue to make joint efforts to strengthen friendly relations between Azerbaijan and the United States, to advance our partnership based on the national interests of our countries, including national security interests. Once again, I express my most sincere congratulations to you, I wish you good health, happiness and success in your future work for the benefit of the friendly American people,” the congratulations read.
4 comment
Hüseynağa Ağasiyev
Salamlar, Təbrik edər Sandunu da Moldava Azərbaycanın dostları sırasındadır ‘biz biz imperiyanan eyni qayıqda deyilik bunu ancaq el arasında məhşur taxta başlar dilə gətirə bilər’
В США президент не играет большую роль все проходит через парламент ну и пора уже молодым давать дорогу в президенты США...В США даже президент котролируется и если что то пойдет не так будет импичмент...
Вполне возможно, что госпожа Санду в своё время тоже забыла поздравить нашего президента.
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