IBAHRI calls on Azerbaijan to ensure independence of the judiciary and the legal profession
International Association of Bar Associations (IBAHRI) called on the Azerbaijani authorities to ensure the right to a fair trial on the issue of freedom of expression. IBAHRI also proposes the establishment of mechanisms for the protection of journalists.
These calls are included the 62 page report titled "Azerbaijan: freedom of expression is suing" prepared by the fact-finding mission IBAHRI, who visited Azerbaijan in December last year and met with representatives of law enforcement and the judiciary, the legal profession and civil society.
According to the lawyer of the London office programs IBAHRI Nadia Nadman, the authors of the researches noted serious shortcomings in the courts for journalists to ensure their rights. It is the lack of access to effective legal assistance, lack of time to prepare a defense, etc.,
The report also points to the small number of lawyers willing to defend journalists.
Speaker mission IBAHRI Eric Metcalfe noted that despite the decrease in the number of facts to attract journalists defamatory charges of criminal libel and insult not only canceled, but extended to on-line media. On the other hand, the number of imprisoned journalists and bloggers Azerbaijan is among the top ten "jailers of journalists" in the world.
The number of lawyers in the country with a population of about 9,000,834, of whom 500 work in Baku. One problem is the complexity of the procedure for entry to the Bar, which has a monopoly on criminal defense. Another problem is the practice of disciplinary lawyers defending critics of the government.
Councilman of IBAHRI, an expert in the field of media, Mark Stephens noted that introduction of censorship in today's society or other forms of information restrictions are senseless. However, he cited the example of Saudi Arabia, where persecuted for freedom of expression established in London by satellite. "Where people do not believe in the fairness of the trial means that there is no fair justice in the country," he said. The report also put forward 16 recommendations to the government of Azerbaijan. In particular, proposed to increase transparency and facilitate entry into the Bar Association, Code of Conduct for lawyers to develop international standards.
Reforming the Judicial Council, the deletion of the representatives of the prosecutor and the executive power, or to cancel the trial period for new judges. It is also proposed to establish an independent board of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Another recommendation is to ensure judicial independence, equality of parties in litigation.
* IBAHRI is a reputable international organization, which unites 55,000 people. Many states respect the rights and the rule of law listen to her recommendations.—06C--
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