Ilgar Mamedov severely beaten in prison N 2 - lawyer

The convicted leader of the "Real" Ilgar Mamedov was severely beaten on October 16 in jail N2, where he is serving his sentence, said his lawyer Javad Javadov. The complaint of the lawyer to the  Justice Minister Fikrat Mammadov, Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov and Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova said that the beating took place at 15:30, shortly after a visit to the lawyer Fuad Agayev.  Mammadov was summoned to the office building, where he was taken to the deputy head of the colony by the name of Shakir.

The latter and the employee by the name of Chingiz  began to beat Mammadov on the head. Then he was pushed to the office of Eyvaz Askerov, where the beatings the three continued beating. They knocked Mammadov down and started kicking. The head of the colony again Mammadov threatened that he would not come out of prison alive and healthy.

During the meeting, the lawyer saw the injuries and bruises on his neck and head of Mammadov. In his complaint, the lawyer asks to immediately investigate the fact of beating Mamedov and ensure his safety.

Among the causes of pressure on the opposition most probable is the version of his refusal to write a petition for clemency to the President. The international community has long been urgently demanding his release, but the authorities ignored these demands, trying to knock out a petition  of Mammadov.

Ilgar Mammadov was sentenced in 2014 to seven years of imprisonment on charges of organizing riots in Ismayilli in January 2013. On May 22, 2014 the European Court of Human Rights ruled his detention illegal. According to the decision of the European Court, the government of Azerbaijan should release Mammadov and pay him compensation of 22,000 euros. However, in September 2014 Sheki Court of Appeal upheld the verdict. Consideration of the appeal to the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan was delayed more than nine months. However, on 13 October, the Supreme Court finally upheld the appeal and partially returned the case for reconsideration in the Sheki Court of Appeal. Amnesty International recognized prisoner of conscience Ilgar Mamedov. -06D-

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