Adoption by the head of state of the reactionary amendments to the legislation concerning the activities of NGOs will worsen conditions for public associations, and is aimed at weakening of independent institutions of civil society. This opinion was expressed in an interview with Turan by the Art for Democracy advocacy campaign coordinator Rasul Jafarov .
According to him, the innovation is aimed to strengthen administrative control and to tighten financial sanctions against NGOs.
So , from now on , even for a technical error NGOs can be fined several thousand manats.
In addition , the Ministry of Justice has received the right to conduct routine checks of NGO activities, attracting to it the Ministry of Finance , Ministry of Taxes and others.
Changes were also made in the registration of grants. Henceforth unregistered NGOs are actually ineligible to receive grants. The heads of unregistered NGOs are deprived of the right to sign grant agreements and to register as individuals, continued Jafarov .
Besides , NGOs, including branches and representative offices of foreign NGOs , must inform the Ministry of Justice on the composition of their governing bodies .
Representatives of branches of foreign NGOs should have the right of permanent residence in Azerbaijan.
Agreement on the activities of foreign NGOs will be time-bound.
Foreign NGOs are also introduced restrictions on donations to public associations. Previously, it was found that NGOs cannot accept cash donations of more than 200 manats.
Basis for termination of the activities of NGOs may be their failure to remove the deficiencies identified by the Ministry of Justice and violation of the human rights of the NGO members.
In addition , NGOs are required to inform the Ministry of Justice about the changes of their actual addresses of stay. Earlier this provision applied only to a legal address.
According to the head of the NGO Law and Development Hafiz Hasanov, these innovations will obstruct the activities of unregistered NGOs.
He also described as "fantastic" the fines for NGOs. At the same time, for the same violations NGOs will pay heavier fines than commercial entities.
Hasanov said the innovations can be used to tighten control over the activities of NGOs.
Recall that President Ilham Aliyev approved February 3 legislative amendments to the laws " On State Registration of Legal Entities and State Register ," "On NGOs" , " On Grants " and the Code of Administrative Offences.
The legislative changes were adopted by the Parliament on December 17.
NGOs carried out various actions with a call to the president not to sign the changes that complicate their work.
Parliament made a total of 8 additions and up to 50 changes.
The Cabinet of Ministers is in charge to bring regulations in line with the legislative changes in three months and the executive bodies have five months to prepare regulations for the implementation of the laws. -0 -
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