Investigative journalist Khafiz Babaly marks his 53rd birthday in prison

Investigative journalist Khafiz Babaly marks his 53rd birthday in prison

Khafiz Babaly, an investigative journalist and editor of the economic news department at the Turan news agency, is celebrating his 53rd birthday in prison on September 9. He was arrested in December 2023 in connection with the “Abzas Media” case on charges of foreign currency smuggling. In August, new charges of economic crimes were brought against him, which, like the previous ones, are unfounded. The journalist denies all accusations and claims that he is being persecuted for investigating corruption.

Human rights advocates have recognized him as a political prisoner. International human rights and journalism organizations have called for Babaly's release along with other individuals involved in the “Abzas Media” case. The Turan agency team extends their congratulations to their colleague and wishes for the swift dismissal of the fabricated charges and his release from custody.

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