Isa Gambar: single candidate for presidency must be in Azerbaijan

Last Saturday, a session of the Civil Movement "Public Chamber" took place. During the session, the head of the Popular Front Party, Ali Kerimli, called the creation of the National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF), which brought together around the protesting electorate, a result of the activity of  the Public Chamber too. 

According to him, " the NCDF managed to consolidate  the forces which  could not unite for 20 years."
Of course, the NCDF  is not perfect, and it is normal, because a structure created as a result of   compromises cannot be perfect, says Kerimli. He also  touched on the Congress of the ruling party, which has been "moved from August to June."  Kerimli explained it by the  concern  of the authorities. He also described as "farfetched"  the statements  of power representatives that Ilham Aliyev has received the support of the leading states in the matter of his candidature for a third presidential term.
The meeting participants touched on further  activity of the Public Chamber, noting the need to preserve it,  because  in the fulfillment of the decisions of the NCDF the Public Chamber  may  play an important role. These  structures wil not duplicate  each other. It was suggested that, regardless of a single candidate, the results of elections  will solve  the PPFA and Musavat parties. 
 The leader of "Musavat", Isa Gambar, also believes that the  Public Chamber  should be preserved, and an important condition  is that a single candidate  must be in the country.  The country does not need a syndrome of "second Rasul Guliyev," said Gambar. "A single candidate must reside in the country. How a man that cannot undertake responsibility today be a  single candidate. We can not leave Azerbaijan to the mercy of fate.  For the national-democratic forces is a matter of principle," said the leader of the "Musavat" party. According to him, the main objective of the National Council  is to serve the interests of Azerbaijan. -05C04-  

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