Islamic party condemns arrest Taleh Bagirzade

The Islamic Party issued a statement condemning the arrest of theologian, Taleh Bagirzade.

Arrest and false charges against the theologian are evidence of pressure by authorities on Islam and the faithful. "The move in an election year proves the authorities' concern - to break the resistance of the religious forces, to weaken them and make it impossible to speak," is said in the statement.

The Islamic Party called charges of possession of drugs and weapons made against believers, as ridiculous and considered the arrests as politically motivated.

"In spite of all these government measures, the faithful will have their say in the election and will play a role in the destiny of the people," said the Islamic Party.

Islamists demand an end to arrests and the release of all the detainees from among the faithful, led by the chairman of the Islamic Party Movsum Samedov. -05D04-


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