In March 2,171,083 square meters of land cleared of mines

In Azerbaijan in March there were tested and cleared of mines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) 2,171,083 square meters of land.

According to ANAMA (National Agency for Mine Action), in the course of operations there were found and defused 15 UXO, 15 anti-tank and 3 anti-personnel mines.

In total ANAMA has cleared 220,458,894 square meters of land, defusing 679,435 mines and UXO.

The Agency is continuing land clearing operations in Agdam, Agstafa, Agjabadi, Fizuli, Barda, and Tartar, on the mud volcano Kirdag in Absheron and in the village of Guzdek in the Garadagh district of Baku. -16D -


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