Louis Bono's visit to region

Louis Bono's visit to region

Louis Bono, the chief  adviser to the U.S. Department of State for Caucasus Negotiations, will be visiting the region in the next few weeks to express support for the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia, discussions on finding ways to achieve sustainable and decent peace in the region.

This is stated in the message of the US Embassy in Azerbaijan.

"Mr. Bono plans to meet with the main stakeholders in order to support the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The program of his visit includes visits to both Azerbaijan and Armenia. The United States is ready to support any process that can bring peace and stability to the people of the South Caucasus," the message says.

It should be reminded that on May 23, Bono has already held talks in Yerevan with Chairman of the State Commission on Border Delimitation, Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan and Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan.

During the talks, the latest situation in the process of normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia was discussed, including approaches to the main issues of the draft peace treaty and efforts to coordinate them.

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