A group of MPs have appealed to Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov to reconsider relations with the US and denounce defence cooperation agreements.

In the appeal they express indignation at the message of 63 members of the US House of Representatives and Senate to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on imposing sanctions against Azerbaijan.

"It should be openly stated that we have no doubt that the said appeal was organised by the State Department. As President Ilham Aliyev stressed on 4 October in Jabrail, the State Department is writing letters to itself to threaten Azerbaijan," Azerbaijani parliamentarians wrote to Bayramov.

"We would like to remind the authors of the appeal, who make claims to Azerbaijan in the field of human rights and international humanitarian law on false grounds, that millions of civilians were killed during the wars unleashed by the US in Iraq, Afghanistan and other various regions of the world. Many people have been tortured and punished without trial. The US, while talking about human rights, has not acceded to the most important human rights conventions. It was the US that for many years did not let the UN special rapporteur on torture in Guantanamo Bay," the deputies said.

In their opinion, the US, being a co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, together with France "sought to keep Azerbaijani lands under occupation".

"The congressmen, who constantly talk about the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Armenia, have never once talked about respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan," the deputies point out.

The MPs propose the Foreign Minister to take the following steps to revise relations between Azerbaijan and the US:

- terminate the current agreements between Azerbaijan and the US, in particular the Joint Statement "On Future Military and Defence Relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the United States" signed in 1997 and the Agreement "On Equipment Acquisition and Mutual Services between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Defence of the United States of America" signed in 2013;

- immediately cease negotiations on the negotiation of new treaties and the extension of existing treaties;

- terminate all projects implemented in Azerbaijan by USAID and US non-governmental organisations, prohibit new projects, and terminate the activities of USAID in Azerbaijan.

The document was signed by deputies Gaya Mammadov, Novruzali Aslanov, Kyamran Bayramov, Mushfig Jafarov, Kamal Jafarov, Arzukhan Alizade, Bakhtiyar Aliyev, Aziz Alekperov, Javanshir Feyziev, Sevinj Fataliyeva, Tural Ganjaliyev, Ramid Namazov, Elchin Mirzabeyli, Parvana Veliyeva, Imamverdi Ismailov, Mirjalil Gasimly, Sevil Mikayilova, Rovshan Muradov, Rasim Musabekov, Elshad Musayev, Elshan Musayev, Zaur Shukurov, Jeyhun Mammadov, Elman Mammadov, Razi Nurullayev, Rizvan Nabiyev, Elman Nasirov, Tanzilya Rustamkhanly, Fazil Mustafa, Shahin Ismailov, Zahid Oruj, Sadig Gurbanov, Arzu Nagiyev, Sabina Salmanova, Malahat Ibrahimgyzy, Bahruz Magerramov, Asim Mollazade, Azer Kerimli, Nagif Gamzaev, Gunay Agamaly, Anar Mammadov, Samed Seidov, Tahir Mirkishili.

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