The municipal elections held on January 29 were neither free nor fair and did not reflect the will of the people, the conclusion of the Central Election Headquarters of the "Musavat" Party. The document notes that the elections were postponed for more than a month without any explanations. There was no democratic atmosphere during the elections, which took place under conditions of repression, without a democratic legislative framework.
During the election campaign, freedom of assembly, speech, and expression were not ensured, according to the statement. All electoral commissions were under the control of the authorities.
Voter turnout reached a historic low, with fewer than 5% of voters at most polling stations. The data on voter turnout from district and precinct election commissions were repeatedly inflated. There were widespread instances of repeated voting by the same voters at different polling stations, as well as ballot stuffing. Numerous videos circulating on social media reflect the falsifications during the elections.
Observers from the "Musavat" Party, as well as journalists filming at polling stations, faced pressure. None of the 30 candidates from the "Musavat" Party were provided with protocols regarding the election results. Copies of the protocols were not posted at polling stations.
At most polling stations, no protocols were even compiled. The heads of many precinct commissions violated Article 106.5 of the Electoral Code regarding the continuity of vote counting after the completion of voting. They declared a break, stating that the votes would be counted "tomorrow," and demanded that the observers leave. At many stations, the votes were not counted at all; ballots were packed into bags and sent to district election commissions. Preliminary results were announced not based on the actual count of ballots, but on fabricated numbers.
"Musavat" believes that the municipal elections did not meet international standards and the government's obligations to international organizations. The municipal elections of January 29 were not free and fair and did not reflect the will of the people," the statement said. The party called for the cancellation of the election results, the implementation of democratic reforms, including electoral reform, and the holding of new elections based on those reforms.
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