Oktay Asadov Not Afraid of Bill on Sanctions against Leadership of Azerbaijan

The plenary session of the parliament opened with a discussion of the bill of the US Congress to impose sanctions against the government of Azerbaijan.

The Speaker Oktay Asadov opened the meeting and immediately raised the issue of the bill Democracy Act Azerbaijan 2015.

True to his level, Asadov described the author of this bill, Christopher Smith, "a member of the Armenian Diaspora."

At the same time, he believes that no one should be so afraid of this document. "Some journalists call it a shocking event. What's so shocking in it? This is a usual commission. It is not worth exaggerating that. Chris Smith is just a common Congressman!” said Asadov, expressing confidence that the Congress will not approve the bill.

Next Asadov made a "profound" statement that Smith's actions have a specific purpose. However, from the set of his words it is difficult to understand anything, so we should cite his words exactly: "In late December, amnesty is expected in Azerbaijan. They want to show that they were told and the Azerbaijani authorities have released these people. And they want us to let go the very people about whom they speak and whom they use to put pressure on Azerbaijan. Thus, they want to involve Azerbaijan in a provocation," said Asadov. -16D-

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