Polad Aslanov complains about the absence of effective medical care in custody

Polad Aslanov complains about the absence of effective medical care in custody

Polad Aslanov, the convicted founder of the site Хeberman.com, complained about the  absence of effective medical care. Following a request from the Committee to Protect Journalists (based in New York), a representative of the General Medical Department of the Ministry of Justice visited Aslanov this week. According to Gulmira Aslanova, the wife of journalist, during his five years in prison, Polad was only once subjected to a comprehensive medical examination.

A representative of the medical department suggested that the journalist undergo a medical examination at a private clinic, which his family should agree with. “An employee of the medical department said that they can create conditions for the examination of the Patient in a private clinic, but on condition that the clinic is completely closed to other people at this time.

However, this is unrealistic because no clinic will agree to this. In addition, the Polad’s family does not have the money to compensate the clinic for such financial losses,” the spouse said. According to her, Polad has problems with the nervous system and a representative of the medical department promised to send a neurologist.

"Polad said that he needed a comprehensive medical examination, ultrasound, blood test. Is there really no such thing in the medical institution of the penitentiary service?"  Gulmira Aslanova. She stressed that Polad continues to demand effective medical care and complains about the leadership of the medical department of the Ministry of Justice.

* Aslanov was arrested on June 12, 2019, charged under the Article 274 of the Criminal Code (treason), in particular, with espionage in favor of Iran and sentenced to 16 years in prison. Aslanov denied all charges, saying that he was being persecuted for exposing corruption by intelligence officials.

Human rights activists recognized him as a political prisoner. International organizations condemned his arrest, calling for Aslanov's release. Subsequently, the Supreme Court reduced the prison sentence to 13 years.

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