Polynesia, Caledonia, and now Mayotte

Polynesia, Caledonia, and now Mayotte

Official Baku continues to aggravate relations with France, supporting the struggle of the population of its overseas territories for independence. Following the events in support of the independence of Polynesia and Caledonia, issues of independence of the island of Mayotte are being resolved in Baku.

Thus, on September 3, a conference of the Baku Initiative Group dedicated to the island of Mayotte in the Indian Ocean was held in the capital of Azerbaijan. The event is attended by public and political figures who advocate the independence of Mayotte. Its participants condemned the colonial policy of Paris and demanded to give independence to the island of Mayotte, which is part of the archipelago of the Comoros, which gained independence in 1976.

In a referendum on the independence of the Comoros in 1974, the majority of the inhabitants of the archipelago voted for independence, but 64% of the population of one of the islands, Mayotte, favored being part of France. France, recognizing the independence of the Comoros, secured the status of its territory for the island of Mayotte.

On March 29, 2009, the inhabitants of Mayotte voted in a referendum to make the island a department of France. 95.2% of voters out of 61% of the residents  voted “for”.

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