Relatives of Elkhan Aliyev are worried about his fate

Relatives of Elkhan Aliyev are worried about his fate

The family members of Elkhan Aliyev, an activist of the Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (APCP), who announced a dry hunger strike in the detention center on May 15, are worried about his fate. He has not been contacted by his family since May 16 and there is no information about him.

"Today (May 18) was the day scheduled for Elkhana's phone call. He usually calls on a Saturday around 2:30 p.m. But it's evening and he still hasn't called. Elkhan told me last time that if he doesn't announce that he has stopped his hunger strike, then he is continuing the strike and is in danger," Shahnaz Aliyeva, the activist's wife, told Turan Agency.

It was not possible to get a comment from the Penitentiary Service.

Elkhan Aliyev was arrested in July 2023 on charges of “fraud” and “production and use of a false document.”

He declared a provocation against him. Human rights activists recognized him as a political prisoner.

On April 1, the Baku Serious Crimes Court sentenced him to 5 years in prison.

On May 13, during the consideration of the appeal, Aliyev announced his intention to begin a dry hunger strike in two days.

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