The Central Election Commission sends complaints to district election commissions

The Central Election Commission (CEC) will send complaints about violations during the early parliamentary elections to district election commissions for consideration.

This was announced at today's meeting of the CEC by the chairman of the commission, Mazahir Panakhov.

According to him, if after consideration by the district election commissions, the complaints remain, then the CEC will investigate them.

In particular, complaints received from the 97th Terter-Agdere-Goranboy constituency, the 8th Binagadi first constituency, the 86th Agjabedi constituency, the 42nd Sumgayit first constituency, the 120th Jabrayil-Gubadli constituency, the 33rd Khatai first constituency, the 31st Surakhani second constituency, the 21st Nasimi-Binagadi constituency, and the 70th Neftchala constituency will be sent to the district election commissions.

At the same time, Panahov stated that "the elections were held at a very high level."

He emphasized that all complaints will be investigated.

"Video images distributed on social networks will also be investigated. If media representatives have facts about any violations, let them present them to us," Panahov said.

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