The Chiefs of Staff of the CIS countries discuss cooperation prospects to 2020

Baku/08.04.14/Turan : Participants of the meeting of Chiefs of Staff of the armed forces of the CIS countries in Baku on April 8 discussed cooperation in the military sphere, in the period up to 2020.

Also the subject of discussion was the development of air defense systems and a unified system of radar identification, the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Valery Gerasimov, who chaired the meeting, told reporters.

According to him, special attention was paid to the improvement of communication and control systems , NGOs, topographical and engineering troops.

In addition, the Committee agreed a plan of joint actions of the armed forces of the CIS countries in 2015.

As noted by Gerasimov, the meeting approved the agreement on cooperation in the fields of humanitarian de-mining, sharing and use of geo-spatial information systems and satellite communications for military purposes.

Along with this, the Committee considered the problems of research in the field of air defense of the CIS countries, and the concept of a unified system of radar identification .

 Issues of the joint monitoring and evaluation of radiation, chemical and biological conditions of the defense ministries of the CIS countries were also debated.

According to Gerasimov, the Baku meeting was "another concrete step towards the expansion of military cooperation and to deepening the relationship of trust and mutual understanding between the General Staffs of the Armed Forces of the CIS."

The meeting was attended by delegations from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russia , Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. -06D-

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The meeting of Chiefs of General Staff of the CIS countries started Tuesday, April 8, at the Four Seasons Hotel Baku, led by First Deputy Minister of Defence - Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Army General Valery Gerasimov.

At the meeting, it is planned to approve the concept of partnership over five years. Much attention will be paid to members of the committee of practical response to the new challenges and threats , and improving cooperation in the defense sector .

The meeting is attended by six countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. The Baku meeting will be held without the participation of Ukraine and Armenia. Ukraine suspended its chairmanship in the CIS due to the aggression of Russia and is considering leaving the organization.

* The Committee of Chiefs of Staff of the CIS was formed March 27, 1996 to coordinate the activities of the General Staffs of the CIS on topical issues of military cooperation. General management of the Committee is provided by the Council of CIS Defense Ministers. -0 -

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