The court extended the terms of pre-trial detention of two journalists
On May 21, the Sabail District Court of Baku extended the term of pre-trial detention of Aziz Orujev, head of “Kanal 13” Internet television, and Shamo Eminov, an employee of this media structure, for another month, relatives of journalists told Turan. According to them, appeals will be filed against the court's decisions.
Aziz Orujev was detained on November 27, 2023 and charged with illegal construction and the court arrested him for three months.
On December 19, he was charged with a new charge under Article 206.3.2 (smuggling by prior agreement of a group of persons) of the Criminal Code. Orujev faces up to 8 years in prison. Aziz Orujev was sentenced in 2017 to 6 years in prison on charges of illegal entrepreneurship. In 2018, the Supreme Court reviewed the punishment and overturned the charge.
** Freelance journalist Shamo Eminov, who cooperates with “Kanal-13,” was detained on December 22 and arrested for three months on charges of "smuggling foreign currency by prior agreement by a group of persons" (Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan).
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