on July 1 the members of the National Council discussed and approved the draft memorandum, which stated commitments of a single presidential candidate from the National Council. The text of the document, which will be submitted to the meeting of July 2, consists of 11 points.
In the preamble of the document states that it has been prepared to provide in the country a free, fair and democratic environment, and to form a constructive cooperation between the public and the political forces in the presidential elections of 2013.
1. The period of office will be 2 years (transition period);
2. To create a government of national trust on the basis of human resource capacity of the democratic forces .
3. To hold a constitutional and electoral reforms through referendum in 2013-2015, to limit presidential powers, to extend the powers of the parliament and the government, and to ensure the independence of the judicial system:
In January of 2014 to dissolve parliament; restore the proportional election system, and on the basis of the mixed majority-proportional system to hold new parliamentary elections; expand the powers of the local municipal government and limit the powers of local executive authorities.
4. To take measures to bring the legislation in line with international standards and obligations.
5. To create the conditions for the free activity of all political and social organizations of the country;
6. To take measures to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens (property rights, fair elections, assembly, freedom of conscience, etc.); remove barriers to the creation of independent television and radio channels.
7. Restore the rights of those imprisoned for political reasons, and to create conditions for the return to the country those who were forced to leave it;
8. To eliminate the system of monopolies and widespread corruption, shadow economy, and to restore the rights of those who suffered from it;
9. To pursue a foreign policy corresponding to the Founding Declaration of the National Council, to try to resolve the Karabakh conflict in accordance with the national interests of Azerbaijan;
10. To ensure the conduction of presidential elections in 2015;
11. Not to put forward candidacy for the presidential elections of 2015, and do not support someone else's side. -02D-
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