The European Union Delegation to the Republic of Azerbaijan launched a Call for proposals under the 2013 European Instrument for Human Rights and Democracy and Neighborhood Civil Society Facility. The objective of this Call for Proposals is to contribute to strengthening the role of the civil society in Azerbaijan in promoting human rights and democratic reforms, as well as to increasing civic participation and representation.
The Call for Proposals is divided into two lots, each with its own specific objectives. The 1st Lot aims to improve adherence to basic human rights and fundamental freedoms. The 2nd Lot aims at strengthening the role of civil society in promoting justice and rule of law.
The total budget allocated for this Call is EUR 2,900,000.
The deadline for the submission of Concept Notes is 24 February 2014. All details on the application rules could be found on the EU Delegation's website, under news section (dated 19/12/2013).
Link: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/azerbaijan/press_corner/all_news/news/2013/2013eidhr_and_csf_call_en --06D--
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