The health  of ex-deputy N.Beidermili deteriorated in the pre-trial detention center

The health  of ex-deputy N.Beidermili deteriorated in the pre-trial detention center

In the pre-trial detention center, the health of ex-deputy, businessman Nazim Beidemirli deteriorated, his wife Farida Beidemirli wrote about this on Facebook.

According to her, on March 1, N.Beidemirli urgently underwent an electrocardiogram and an echocardiogram. "The doctor informed him that the impulsive heart block had entered the second phase. He pointed out the need for urgent blood donation and depending on the results of the appointment of treatment," F.Beidemirli noted.

However, N. Beidemirli insists that the tests be conducted in a laboratory of his family's choice so that he can trust the results. Earlier, on February 19, the doctors of the penitentiary service examined N.Beidemirli and also offered him to donate blood for tests. However, even then he asked to be examined by trusted doctors.

In this regard, on February 21, lawyer N.Beidemirli appealed to the leadership of the penitentiary service and the Ombudswoman. The defense refers to Article 27.6 of the Internal Regulations of Places of Detention, which provides for the possibility of examining a prisoner by specialists at the prisoner's choice and at his expense.

*N. Beidemirli was detained on July 4, 2023 by the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on charges of violating Article 182.2.4 (Extortion by threats to seize property) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. The next day, the court arrested him for 4 months.

Beidemirli rejected the accusation, calling it fabricated and devoid of legal grounds. According to him, the real reason for the arrest is his support for the protests of the residents of the village of Seyudlu in the Gedabey  region against environmental pollution.

On September 1, another charge was brought against Beidemirli – violation of Article 182.2.2 (extortion by threats, committed repeatedly) of the Criminal Code. According to the lawyer, this accusation is based on the fact that Beidemirli allegedly extorted money from a certain person in 1996 in the city of Lipetsk of the Russian Federation. The defender pointed out that the charges were unfounded, both in fact and in connection with the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Human rights activists recognize Beidemirli as a political prisoner.

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