

The National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) of Azerbaijan held on Sunday a scheduled session, and  discussed the political situation in the country, as well as geopolitical trends provoked by the  events around Ukraine.

The last summer months can be described as repressive, said  the chairman of the  NCDF Jamil Hasanly. "A single list of political prisoners  includes already  107 employees, of which nine  are members of the National Council," he said.

According to Hasanly,  the authorities  are trying to weaken the democratic forces on the eve of important events of 2015 - parliamentary elections, and European competitions, which will be held in Baku.

But the results of this policy have shown that democratic forces are not broken, despite the repression, and continue to struggle, said the chairman of the Popular Front Party, Ali Kerimli.

He noted that the repression gives reverse  effect, as evidenced by the numerous appeals for membership in the National Council.

Known public figures, including economists, lawyers, journalists, human rights defenders joined the NCDF: Malahat Nasibova, Vahid Maharramli, Magommet Talybly, Isa Sadygov, Ganimat Zahid, Yalchyn Gahramanly, Azad Gumdur (he is Malik Rzayev) and  FahraddinMehtiev.

Referring to the situation around Ukraine, member of the National Council, Ibrahim Ibrahimli, drew attention to the  results of the NATO summit. In believes that the growing commitment of the alliance to counter Russian aggression creates prerequisites for the final victory of Ukrainian reforms and revitalization of democratic processes in the post-Soviet space.

The session discussed the draft of the appeal of the  NCDF to the Azerbaijani people in connection with the situation in the country. It will be published after the submission of proposals and  supplements.—0—


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