The police stopped the protest against the presidential election

The police stopped the protest against the presidential election

On Monday, the police stopped an uncoordinated protest rally under the slogan: "No fake elections!". The action was appointed by Tural Sadigly, an Azerbaijani political emigrant to Europe, in protest against the early presidential elections.

Two days ago, he posted a banner on his Facebook account calling for participation in the action: "Protest rally. To claim your rights, come to the square on January 22 at 13.00 at the exit of the Narimanov metro station from McDonalds."

Today, at the alleged place of the action, the police detained Sadigly's parents, and an hour later they were released. The police removed several other people from the alleged site of the rally, including Enver Agamalyev, an elderly member of the Azerbaijan Democracy and Welfare Party, and Tarana Safarsoy, the wife of arrested  activist Rza Safarsoy.

The attempts to get comments in the Interior Ministry  were futile.

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