The term of arrest for Ilgar Mamedov Extended another Three Months

Nasimi District Court today, extended another three months to Ilgar Mamedov arrest term, the leader of  “Republican Alternative” Movement  (REAL), who is accused of organizing riots in the Ismailli region on January 23-24.

Mamedov was arrested on February 4, held for two months, and then the arrest was extended for another two months. Thus, the total period of detention during the investigation will be extended until September 4.

According to the lawyer Cavad Cavadli, in a sign of protest against the illegal arrest Mamedov, refused to stand up when the judge came in.

The investigation motivated the detention term extension by needing time to question additional witnesses.  However, Mamedov said that the real reason for his arrest and term extension term is  to remove him from participating in the country’s political life.

The lawyer, Cavadli, also pointed out the invalidity of extending the period of detention.

Mamedov has been charged under Articles 233 (organization of actions that lead to violations of public order) and 315.2 (resistance to authority by force, causing a threat to life and health.) In late April, a heavier one, 2201(organization of mass disorders.), replaced the charge Article 233 

On April 9, the ​​European Court of Human Rights adopted Mamedov’s case for consideration, and has began to communicate with the Azerbaijani government.—16D06--





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