They want to pass a law on the Press Council

Baku/19.04.18/Turan: Azerbaijan has launched an initiative on the adoption of the law on public association Press Council (PC). This decision was made at the first meeting of the PC Board on April 18 in a new composition. AflatunAmashov, deputy chairman of the PC was also elected at the meeting. They were former deputies - the head of the Eurasia Foundation UmidMirzoyev and the chairman of the trade union of journalists MushfigAleskerli. The composition of the commissions of the PC and their chairmen was also approved.

One of the main issues discussed at the meeting was the issue of drafting a bill on the Press Council, the creation of a working group in this regard, whose leader was, ChingizGanizade, a member of the Parliament.The issue of regulating the activities of the Press Council has been on the agenda several times, however, no real steps have been taken in this direction.The issue was raised at the congress of the PC in March this year, during the spring session of MilliMajlis on February 1.

Most media experts believe that the regulation of the Press Council by a separate law contradicts the philosophy of this social structure. They argue that in fact, councils are created for the purpose of self-regulation and inadmissibility of media regulation by the state. Experts believe that the adoption of the law may lead to an increase in state control over the media.

For more than 8 years, the Press Council has been forming the so-called "black lists" of the media. Experts note that the PC has not lost the ability to defend freedom of speech. The Press Council was established in March 2003 at the first congress of journalists at the foundation of more than 100 media. The state registration of the joint venture was held in April of the same year. The purpose of the joint venture is to monitor the performance of journalists' professional duties in accordance with professional ethical norms and principles. It was also established as a pre-judicial body to resolve conflict situations related to the professional activities of journalists.-0-

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