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The dynamics of divorce growth cause concern in the society. Nizami Eyubov, head of the demography department of the Institute of Geography of ANAS, recently noted in an interview with "Voice of America", the degradation of national moral values, the loss of family values, first of all, is a difficult burning issue. It's about divorce. Over the past ten years, their number has increased five-fold. What is happening with modern Azerbaijanis? Why do young couples so easily converge and disagree without thinking about the consequences of this step? How justified is this decision of two people who once created a family by mutual consent?
"There are many factors leading to the disintegration of families: domestic violence, financial problems, marital infidelity, dissimilarity of characters, drug addiction. The list can be continued. Often in family affairs the relatives of spouses interfere, stirring up the conflict between the parties. However, this phenomenon should be considered in the context of changes in life priorities and values of family life.
It is the transformation of the institution of the family, both in the whole world and in Azerbaijan. The family adapts to the new realities, "Mehriban Zeynalova, head of the" Clean World "Public Union, said in an interview with" Turan ".
The sad fact is that today the preservation of the family, the existence and fate of children have ceased to be significant priorities in the value system of youth. Studies have shown that young people above all place their interests, independence, career, well-being. New features in the behavior of our women also attract attention. If they were afraid of convicting others before, they were betrayed and domestic violence, but now they do not agree with this situation and go to court for divorce.
There is a positive nuance behind this fact, Zeynalova noted:
young Azerbaijani women have become more educated, informed, financially independent. On the one hand, they work and provide themselves and the child, on the other hand, human rights centers are being set up in the country, where women who are in a difficult situation turn for help. Unfortunately, such shelters are not enough. Especially similar shelters are needed in the regions of the country and the government could quite realize this socially significant project.
Psychologist Wafa Akbar draws attention to two important points. "What problems did the modern family face? The first - economic difficulties: unemployment, low salary of a husband, lack of housing and income. In this situation, it is the woman who takes most of the worries about earning money, keeping housekeeping, raising children. This situation can lead to the disintegration of the family. Another problem is the lack of attention to each other, selfishness in relationships, misunderstanding. Work takes almost the entire time of a husband or wife, they do not have time for a family, for a joint vacation, etc. People start to look for a place and an audience where one can speak out, throw out the negative, count on understanding and sympathy. Such an audience is social networks, where unwanted acquaintances occur, which often cause divorce," Akbar said.
Unfortunately, recently signs of family transformation have become more and more visible. The talk is about free relations between couples, an increase in the number of unregistered, or rather, civil marriages, the "aging" of marriages (later marriage), the predominance of small families, and the increase in the number of illegitimate children.
According to sociologists, the Azerbaijani family is experiencing a period of crisis and adaptation in conditions of deep socio-economic upheavals, reassessment of social institutions, transformation of the entire social consciousness. In these realities, the previous stereotypes of consciousness and behavior are being destroyed: a tendency to pragmatization of family relations emerged when marriage is seen as a business project. In addition, there is a rethinking of social justice and equality, a system for protecting the right to work, education, medical services. The confidence in the authorities is falling, the number of population which considers that it is necessary to count only on oneself is growing.
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