U.S. 'Closely Monitors' the Case of Aytan Mammadova, Urges Authorities to Investigate And Hold Those Responsible Accountable

The U.S. is closely monitoring the case of journalist Aytan Mammadova, and urges the Azerbaijani authorities to investigate and hold those responsible accountable, TURAN's Washington correspondent reports.

Mammadova, a well known Azerbaijani journalist covering high-profile murder trials, reported on Sunday that she was attacked by an unknown man armed with a knife who threatened and intimidated her over her coverage.

"We are deeply concerned about violence, including allegations of assault, and other pressure against citizens who exercise their constitutional rights in Azerbaijan," a State Department spokesperson told TURAN on Tuesday,

"We condemn the attack on journalist Ayten Mammadova.  This attack occurred in Baku just one week after the world celebrated World Press Freedom Day and the importance of freedom of expression and access to factual and accurate information and the critical role that journalists play. We are closely monitoring the case and urge the authorities to investigate and hold those responsible accountable," the spokesperson noted.

"We call on all governments to ensure media safety and protect journalists’ ability to do their jobs without fear of violence, threats, or unjust detention. Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, freedom of expression includes the right of all individuals “to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”  The Department’s 2020 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released in March cites dozens of cases of media workers who have been harassed, attacked, and even killed for their work" the spokesperson reminded.

The United States advocates for press freedom online and offline, and for the safety of journalists and media workers worldwide, the spokesperson added.

Alex Raufoglu

Washington D.C.

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