E.Gadirli: participation  of "REAL" in the referendum    is meaningless

"REAL" refused to participate in a referendum on amendments to the Constitution because of the government pressure, said in an interview with Turan and "Voice of America,"  the board member of  "REAL", lawyer Erkin Gadirli. "After the  announcement of the referendum, we announced that we will take part in the vote, because the referendum is not an election to boycott  them. Participation in the referendum is very important. Each political organization shall be obliged to ensure the right of  people to make informed choices. Therefore, we  thought it was necssary to participate in the referendum," said Gadirli. However, pressure began  on the "REAL" members, attacks and repression.  The Executive Secretary Natig Jafarli, the head of Nasimi-Sabail Majlis, Togrul Ismayilov, and Deputy Head of Binagadi district organization Elshan Gasimov were arrested.  All they  were key figures in the Movement, two of them were authorized  representatives at  the referendum. "The arrests  cause humanitarian and financial problems, loss of time, support for families, etc. Under such circumstances "REAL" refused to participate in the referendum," Gadirli said.

 Does REAL recognize legitimacy of the referendum? Answering this question Gadirli said: "The referendum was originally not legitimate. Referendums should not be held this year, without any prior discussion, alert, informing people of a fait accompli.

The decision of the Constitutional Court was also not correct, because has not been tested the constitutionality of the proposed amendments. Moreover, the Constitutional Court made an additional item in the referendum act, although it is only the prerogative of the president.

President proposes to increase the term of office from five to seven years, but does not explain why. It is not clear why the president wants to get authority to dismiss the parliament. Why does he need the vice-president?

"All this is not explained. Instead, alternative views are suppressed, their carriers arrested. Therefore, we initially consider the referendum illegitimate," said Gadirli.

He also rejected accusations of "REAL"  of cooperation with Western governments. "We do not cooperate with any government. If they  mean our international connections,  the talk is about  NGOs or international organizations,   in which Azerbaijan  has membership - OSCE, Council of Europe and the UN. It is our right and  our choice." -06D-

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