Russia Continues Its Usual Imperialist Policy - Jamil Hasanli

Baku / 13.06.17 / Turan: A new monograph of the Azerbaijani historian, professor, head of the National Council of Democratic Forces Jamil Hasanli, Sovietization of Azerbaijan, has been published in the American University of Utah.

The book explores the events of the period of Sovietization of Azerbaijan, the massacres committed by the Bolsheviks, the merciless destruction of national thought and the values ​​of the people.

It also tells of the plans of Moscow in the 1920s in relation to Karabakh, Zangezur and Nakhchivan, about Russian-Turkish and Armenian-Turkish relations. This is the fifth scientific work by Jamil Hasanli, published in the United States and Great Britain.

Sovietization of Azerbaijan is another scientific work by Hasanli from the series The Countries of the South Caucasus in the Triangle between Russia, Iran and Turkey.1920-22.

In an interview with the Voice of America, the historian said that the policy of the big powers towards the South Caucasus has not changed. This is especially true of Russia.

Today, like 100 years ago, Russia pursues a policy of aggression against the region. Examples of this are Moscow"s actions in Georgia in August 2008.

In addition, the region has tension centers fueled by Moscow, including Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. For Russia, all these are instruments of preserving the region under its control.

"How Moscow treated the region 100 years ago, it continues this historical tradition now. Russia is still committed to great-power chauvinism and a policy of threats against its neighbors. One of the goals of the April occupation of Azerbaijan on April 28, 1920 was to stop the integration of Azerbaijan into Europe and the expulsion of Western companies.

Some are now trying to prove that the government of the Azerbaijan People's Republic (1918-20) was weak. However, most likely the international situation was not in favor of independent Azerbaijan," Hasanli said.

The Entente, which won the First World War, was not ready for the disintegration of its ally, Russia, where the revolution had triumphed. Therefore, it took the international community a whole year and a half to recognize the APR. But in 1991, after the collapse of the USSR in just a few weeks, the international community recognized Azerbaijan.

Therefore, in the current international conditions, despite all threats from Russia, we can confidently say that the independence of Azerbaijan is eternal.

At the same time, APR created hundred years ago was more committed to democratic values ​​and freer than Azerbaijan of the 21st century, Hasanli stressed. -06D--

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