The number of divorces in the country increased fivefold

Baku / 10.04.18 / Turan: The demographic situation in Azerbaijan as a whole remains positive, Nizami Eyubov, head of the demography department of the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the country, told in an interview to "Voice of America".

He recalled that in the 90s the natural growth of the country's population fell sharply. However, in early 2000, a state program on demography was adopted. At the beginning of the 1990s natural growth was 20 people per thousand, then this figure dropped to 8-9 people. In recent years, natural growth is 11-12 people per thousand. Currently, the population in Azerbaijan is formed, both due to natural growth, and through positive migration.

Currently, the biggest demographic problem is the lack of accurate information about the national and ethnic origin of those entering and leaving the country. The second problem is the degradation of national and moral values, it is about divorce. So, for the last 10 years their number has increased 5 times.

There are major changes in the structure of the population, the number of boys is constantly growing, and the number of girls is decreasing. This is especially noticeable in rural areas.nThe degradation of national and moral values ​​promotes the growth of suicides, serious crimes. Recently, the number of readers has sharply decreased, which also promises problems in the future.

According to the State Migration Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for two months of this year 756 people have arrived in the country for permanent residence, and 200 people have left. But there are many arrivals for temporary residence, but their registration is not conducted.

On the question whether the statistics reflect the real demographic situation, Nizami Eyyubov said that 90% of the figures are real. However, some shortcomings are also present here. For example, there are places where the population has fallen sharply due to lack of natural growth.

For example, in the Ganja-Gazakh economic region, the number of deaths, compared to the rest of the country, is much higher. Therefore, there is an aging population and demographic processes are in the negative direction.

Asked what the government should do to improve the demographic situation, Nizami Eyyubov recalled the implementation of the demographic program in the country. According to him, the second demographic program has been prepared, the implementation of which will give a positive result. At the same time, he did not disclose the details of this program. -03B-

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