Total losses for the five months of the year in the field of defense and security amounted to 102 people, according to the Doctrine Center for Military Studies of Journalists.
Of that number, 43 people were killed and 59 people were injured and wounded. Among the non-combat losses there were 9 cases of suicide and 8 deaths in road accidents.
8 people were killed in combat and 35 - in non-combat conditions.
Of these, 9 committed suicide, 8 were killed in car accidents, five people were killed in various accidents, four were killed as a result of hazing, three died from diseases, two died under mysterious circumstances, and one was killed because of negligence.
Of the deaths, 33 were in the army, 7 - in the internal troops, and 3 - in border guard service, emergency services and special protection.
Of the 59 injured people, 31 people were injured in accidents, 9 - from hazing, 7 - from enemy bullets, 4 - from suicide attempts, 4 - in accidents, 3 - in a quarrel with civilians, and 1 - from a mine explosion.
Of the injured, 36 people were from the army, 18 people were from the internal troops, and 5 were from border guards. -05D04
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