570 new HIV cases revealed in Azerbaijan in 2017

Baku / 29.11.18 / Turan: Azerbaijan is among the countries with relatively high rates of human immunodeficiency virus among European countries.

This conclusion was made the authors of the study prepared by EU European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Regional Bureau of the World Health Organization (WHO) and published on 28 November.

According to these data, in 2017 in Azerbaijan, 570 new cases of HIV were detected, or 5.8 cases per 100,000 people. In total, 6755 HIV carriers are officially listed in the country. In the South Caucasus, this indicator is on par with Georgia"s - 6762. In Armenia, HIV carriers are less than double compared with their neighbors.

In total, over the entire past year, 159 thousand new cases of HIV infection were recorded in European countries, 130 thousand of them in Eastern Europe, 104 thousand in Russia. In 59 percent of HIV cases, infection was transmitted through heterosexual sexual contact, in 37 percent - during injections of narcotic drugs, in 3 percent - through homosexual sexual contact. -0--

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