A lawsuit against Ilgar Nasibov stopped

Nakhchivan City Court chaired  by Mehman Allahverdiyev considered  the claim by Farid Asgarov, the resident of Nakhchivan, against human rights activist Ilgar Nasibov.

Nasibov was brutally beaten in the office of the Resource Center on August 21 by Farid Askerov and people. He suffered multiple fractures and injuries. Only two weeks later, the police  filed a lawsuit  under the Article 127.1 (deliberate infliction of serious damage to health.) Despite the fact that I.Nasibov was beaten by several persons involved in the investigation, only one - Farid Askerov, filed a counter-claim.

On November 4 during the proceedings on beating Nasibov, Asgerov  confessed and asked  Ilgar Nasibov for mercy.  Nasibov forgave him,  and the case was dismissed.

Today   a lawsuit  against Nasibov was stopped, taking into account that  Asgarov repented of his deed and  withdraw his complaint against Nasibov.

The court also decided to withdraw from Nasibov a  preventive measure "being under police surveillance." However, this decision will enter into force after 20 days.

The trial was observed by the representatives of the EU mission in Baku and the German Embassy in Azerbaijan

* Spouses and Ilgar and Malahat Nasibovs are engaged in active advocacy and journalistic activities in Nakhchivan. Local and international human rights organizations believe that the brutal beating  of I.Nasibov is due to human rights activities of the spouses, which has long been exposing flagrant violations of human rights and freedoms in Nakhchivan. -03B06-

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