Baku / 29.01.18 / Turan: 607 lawyers successfully passed the test examination to join the Bar, having scored 60 points or more. They will be admitted to the second stage of the competition - an oral interview.
The test exam was conducted on January 28 by the Bar Association in conjunction with the State Examination Center. 1,873 applicants took part in it. 607 scored 60 or more points required for the passage to the second stage, the Qualification Commission of the Bar Association reported. Thosw who passed this stage will be interviewed orally.
For the 10 million population of the country there are only 934 lawyers now, that is, 1 defender for 10 thousand people. This is the lowest rate in Europe.
Over 700 attorneys work in Baku. At the same time, 350-400 thousand cases are considered annually in courts.
According to amendments to the legislation adopted at the end of the year, from January 1, 2018 only lawyers can represent citizens in the courts. Thus, thousands of lawyers who were not members of the Bar Association were dismissed from the office. -03B06-
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