Baku / 22.04.17 / Turan: On April 22-23 the weather in Baku and Absheron will be windy with a drop in temperature by several degrees compared to the previous days - up to +15 degrees in the daytime. Precipitation is not expected
In the country's regions precipitation in the form of rains with thunderstorms is expected in mountainous areas.
In the central lowland areas in the daytime the air will warm up to + 20-25 degrees, and in the mountains to + 11 + 16.
In connection with the strong wind, which will change the direction on 22-23 April, sharp changes in atmospheric pressure are expected. This will affect the health of weather-dependent people.
On April 24, precipitation is expected in the country with thunderstorms, sometimes intense. Hail is possible, and in the highlands snowfalls might take place, the weather forecasters reported. -02D-
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