Accused of the murder of a journalist try to approve Javid Huseynov

At the trial in the case of the murder of the journalist Rasim Aliyev  in the Baku Serious Crimes Court was read the indictment. Two of the defendants, Kenan Madatov and Samir Mustafayev pleaded not guilty, and three - Elshan Ismayilov, Arif Aliyev and Jamal Mammadov pleaded guilty in part, the journalists  were told by the lawyer of the injured party Asabali Mustafayev. According to him, the  testimonies of the accused  run counter to the  testimonies they gave at the inquest. The accused Elshan Ismaylov stated that his cousin, football Javid Huseynov was not aware of  beating the journalist.  Explaining why  Ismayilov took with him a few people going to the meeting with journalists, he  said that he was going to meet  with stranger. The next trial was scheduled for November 14th.

The lawyer said that during the trial, defense will again raise the issue of the prosecution of doctors. "The materials of  the case say that Rasim Aliyev died despite medical attention. We believe that  he was not provided any assistance," said Mustafayev.

Rasim Aliyev, a member of the Institute for Reporters Freedom and Safety, correspondent of agency was beaten by a group of persons on  8 August 2014, after which he died in the city clinical center. The incident  was caused by a  critical status  of Aliyev  on the player of FC "Gabala" Javid Huseynov. In connection with the  lawsuit six people were brought to trial, including Huseynov, who is accused of not preparing report on the incident and crime. However,  the case against Huseynov was separated. -03C06-

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