Семья Афгана Мухтарлы

Семья Афгана Мухтарлы

Tbilisi / 13.06.17 / Turan: The family of Azerbaijani journalist Afgan Mukhtarli, who was kidnapped in Tbilisi and illegally transferred to Azerbaijan on May 29, applied to the court to recognize the spouses - Afghan Mukhtarly and Laila Mustafayev, the victims, according to Apsny.ge.

The lawyer of the family, Archil Chopikashvili, made a relevant statement to the Tbilisi City Court. The lawyer noted, the investigation of the Mukhtarly case is ineffective. "The status of the victim will give an opportunity to use all the rights provided for by law. The third week is being investigated, but only now it has become possible to get acquainted with the case materials.

The most important thing is that the investigation was started on a soft article, while the kidnapping had already caused grave consequences. The kidnapping took place by an organized group that had a leader and received reports. We need a proper qualification of the case," Chopikashvili said. According to the lawyer, two weeks after the incident in the case all the same issues that have been up to now. "In particular, who kidnapped and with whose help it became possible to commit such a crime?" the lawyer said. -02D-

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