Акрам Гасанов

Акрам Гасанов

Baku / 24.06.17 / Turan: A well-known bank expert, head of the company Anticollector Akram Hasanov was summoned to the General Directorate for Combating Corruption under the Prosecutor General.

He was complained by the leadership of the Financial Markets Supervision Authority (FIMSA), which in turn was addressed by four banks: Khalg Bank, Bank Respublika, Bank of Baku and Bank VTB.

These banks considered that Akram Hasanov is causing damage to the banking system by his performances in the press (https://www.amerikaninsesi.org/a/iqtisadiyyat/3909935.html and http://xeberfakt.az/.../5559-qtisad-4-bankn-qaranlq-taleyindn....).

As Hasanov wrote on his Facebook page, prosecutors asked what he meant by saying about "the money stolen from the banking system"?

"I explained that it could be fraud, illegal issuance of loans, abuse of power, misappropriation, etc.," Hasanov wrote.

The expert pointed out the unreasonableness of his call to the Prosecutor's Office.

"Suppose, if I caused damage to the business reputation of the banks, let them sue, and here is the Office for Combating Corruption of the Prosecutor's Office," Hasanov said.

At the same time, the expert thanked for the call to the prosecutor's office, because he was going there himself.

"By the decision of Bank Standard"s creditors' committee, we will turn to the Prosecutor General's Office to investigate how the FIMSA and the Central Bank once checked this bank," Hasanov said.

According to him, the employees of the prosecutor's office offered to send them an appeal. "So, next week I will visit the prosecutor's office as a guest," Hasanov said.

He also reported that in March 2016 the head of the FIMSA, Rufat Aslanly, "after an unsuccessful attempt to close Anticollector", persuaded him at least to change the name of the agency so that it "was not disgraced" before the public.

"Rufat Aslanly told me: "I know that you are a person with convictions, you cannot be intimidated, and you need to be persuaded." After today's call to the prosecutor's office, I want to remind Aslanly that I"m Akram Hasanov, and if they wanted to intimidate me, it turned out the opposite.

So far I have "spared" Aslanly, knowing about his confrontation with Elman Rustamov (head of the Central Bank) and did not publicize his mistakes, but now he has made a mistake," Hasanov said.

In turn, the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office in its press release said that Hasanov was invited in connection with his "unreasonable allegations" about criminal acts in banks, appeals to depositors to withdraw their deposits, which contributes to the rush among the population, the outflow of deposits, the creation of problems with liquidity and undesirable consequences in the financial system.

Hasanov was given an official warning that if he did not stop such calls, more serious measures would be taken against him.

It should be noted that the expert Hasanov recently in an interview with the media noted that troubled loans arose due to the owners and managers of banks who issued the funds without security, and actually appropriated them.

He proposed to arrange an inspection of the issuance of loans and collect debts from the owners of the banks.

Hasanov also criticized the Deposit Insurance Fund for not transparency of the process of liquidating bankrupt banks. -06D-

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