Why has the number of heart diseases increased dramatically?

Why has the number of heart diseases increased dramatically?

Azerbaijan ranks second in the world for mortality from cardiovascular diseases, according to the latest report by "World Statistics." With 388 deaths per 100,000 people, Azerbaijan trails only Tajikistan, which has 389 deaths per 100,000 people. Other countries in the top ten include Uzbekistan (354 deaths), Ukraine (305 deaths), and Belarus (282 deaths). By comparison, Russia ranks 27th, Kazakhstan 35th, Iran 54th, and Turkey 117th. The countries with the lowest risk, including Japan, France, and South Korea, occupy the bottom places in this ranking.

In Baku alone, about 15,000 people die annually, with diseases of the circulatory system being the leading cause. Approximately 8,000 residents of the capital succumb to these conditions each year, followed by deaths from neoplasms, totaling around 2,000 annually, as reported by the State Statistics Committee.

Rashad Mahmudov, Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis Health Committee, highlighted regional differences in diet and lifestyle as key factors contributing to Azerbaijan's high cardiovascular mortality rates. "Many people in Azerbaijan avoid sports and a healthy lifestyle, making the country particularly vulnerable to death and disability from cardiovascular diseases," Mahmudov told Turan.

However, Mahmudov also suggested that the statistics might be flawed due to technical inaccuracies and a legacy from Soviet times. He pointed out that the cause of death is often recorded as "cardiovascular failure" when a patient dies in a hospital, irrespective of the underlying reason. "This practice can result in misleading data, as cardiovascular diseases are often cited as the primary cause of death even when other conditions, like cancer or pneumonia, were the actual causes," he explained.

Dr. Aydin Aliyev, speaking to RFE, echoed these concerns, asserting that the statistics on causes of death in Azerbaijan are unreliable. "Autopsies are conducted almost exclusively during forensic examinations, which means that the true causes of death often remain unknown. Consequently, the data recorded is approximate and cannot be fully trusted," Aliyev stated.

Aliyev emphasized that this lack of accurate data hinders medical progress in the country. "Without thorough autopsies, it is impossible to determine the precise reasons for high cardiovascular mortality. Detailed analyses of factors such as lifestyle, diet, drug use, climate, and stress levels are essential. These findings should be shared with healthcare providers to inform better medical practices, but unfortunately, this does not happen in Azerbaijan," he said.

The concerns raised by both Mahmudov and Aliyev underscore the need for more accurate and comprehensive data collection on the causes of death in Azerbaijan. Reliable statistics are crucial for developing effective public health strategies and interventions aimed at reducing mortality from cardiovascular diseases and other major health issues.

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