Authorities Not Able to Explain Reason for Disappearance of Internet across Azerbaijan

The NGO Internet Forum of Azerbaijan has called "a serious threat to the information security of the country" the November 16 accident which resulted in the entire country left without the Internet.

In a statement, the Forum said that the adopted measures in this area are insufficient and it needs a "conceptual approach" to the issue of information security.

"Urgent steps of the government are required to create a competitive atmosphere and alternative infrastructure. Information security is an integral part of national security," the statement noted.

One reason for the blocking of the Internet has become a monopoly on this type of communication and the lack of alternative channels. Therefore, as soon as possible measures are needed to address these shortcomings, says Internet Forum.

It should be noted that authorities have not given an explanation of the causes and extent of the accident. The Interior Ministry and the Emergencies Ministry report no mention of a fire at the technical center Delta Telecom, through which Azerbaijan enters the Internet.

The Acting Minister of Communications Iltimas Mammadov made a ludicrous statement that there were no problems with the Internet in Azerbaijan.

At the same time, numerous state and commercial structures have reported serious problems, especially in the payment system, which resulted in the loss of money by clients.

Meanwhile, informed sources in law enforcement agencies do not exclude a version of sabotage. -16D-

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